Ok, so...it's been a while. How are you guys? How's life treating you? Things are good?
I don't have a really good reason for being so absent from the blog. Mostly laziness. My dream was to present you all with a video blog. I thought it would be quicker for me to make and easier for you to watch than the traditional takes-me-eighteen-thousand-hours-to-write-a-post route. As we can all clearly see, that didn't happen. I had to find my video camera in storage (a.k.a. hiding in an old purse) and then figure out how to upload and edit a video. I found the camera, but it wasn't charged. So I charged it and now I can't get it to turn on. Awesome. I thought about using my phone but I know that a) the quality won't be great and b) I know I can't do what I want in one take. I still want to make it happen, and I haven't completely given up but I have to post something. If not for you, at least for my naggy mom (love you!) and for my own peace of mind.
Lets take a trip back in time, all the way back to...my birthday! It was only 2 weeks ago but it feels like months have passed.
Click through to read about my party!