Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween: Night 3

On actual Halloween day I slept in all morning. I stayed in bed all afternoon and didn't think about showering until around 4. I just relaxed and watched some scary movies. (I finally saw the Strangers for the first time. Being home alone is much more scary now.) I thought about staying in bed all day long and not doing anything. I didn't really have anything to do. No laundry, all the dishes were done and the house was clean. I painted my nails already and though T and A invited me to their party I was thinking a night of relaxing sounded too good to pass up. And then my brain said "but you can wear your tutu again!" and that was all it took.
I hopped in the shower and ignored the little spider way up in the corner. I watched some more tv before putting my costume on for the last time. Different fishnets, new top and after a stop in the kitchen to grab an unopened bag of chips and some salsa to take with and I was on my way to the Halloween Rock Band party.
When I got to T and A's house there were trick or treaters tick or treating so I waited for them to finish before I walked to the door. Was I giving them space to make them more comfortable or avoiding contact with children? Probably option B.
Of course everyone looked awesome. These people are seriously creative. Rock Band was already in full swing, as it usually is when I go over there, so I took a seat at the know, near the food. A was just setting out her homemade pumpkin spice chocolate chip muffins and holy crap they were amazing! I ate like 14 of them (ok, maybe 4). I wasn't sitting down for long before T was accepting my challenge. I challenged him? He pulled out connect 4 and set it in front of me. Ok, I will accept your acceptance of my challenge. I win.
New challenger. After a long game and much thought on both our parts...I lose. Damn. Good game sir.
New challenger. She keeps forgetting to think ahead and gets trapped. I have 2 possible wins and she can only block one. She gives in. Win.
Then she's volunteered to sing Lady Gaga. She doesn't totally want to but she is easily convinced. And doesn't sound bad actually. Gypsy's got talent (enough for Rock Band anyway).
Drunk T made me recall Drunk T stories from years past. Of course I start off with the night he and his friends woke me up at 2 am to play twister with them only to have them watch me play twister by myself. How could I say no to the giggling drunks outside my door?
They make T-virus shots, because they're awesome. Twisted twizzlers in the shot glass. Looks like a strand of DNA (abstractish) and apparently taste super good. But don't eat the twizzler if it's been sitting in there long like Z's was. Not so good apparently.
A made Z put on a blond wig. He wouldn't accept help from her or his girlfriend so for 15 minutes we watched put it on, try to straighten it, take it off, fix his real hair, try the wig again, mess it up, take it off, put it on, try the upside down flip technique. I've never seen a wig look so bad so many different ways in such a short amount of time. He finally broke down and let his girlfriend take care of it. Only, that didn't help. Turns out this particular wig on top of his own hair (even when they tried to put his bandanna over the wig) just wasn't working. It was good entertainment though, watching a guy try and fail at putting on a simple wig for so long. I would have expected him to give up long before he did. Persistence: sometimes doesn't work.
You know what's funny about T? He is insanely good at most video games I've seen him play. Back in the day this guy was the master of DDR. I mean... the freaking MASTER! Now here he is, drunk, and playing the drums better than ever before on Rock Band. Who gets better timing and coordination when they're drunk? This dude! One of his newer friends seems shocked by this but it seemed totally normal to me. Him hitting every single note right is totally par for the course with this guy. There are so many notes flying across that screen and he effortlessly hits them all. I can't even keep up with my eyes. It's like watching magic.
Due to it being Sunday night and me having to get up early to go to work the next morning I decided to call it a night early. The good news is, an early night to me is a late night for trick or treaters and I don't feel overwhelmed with all the children running around the streets on my way home, because there are none. Thank freaking school night!

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