Thursday, December 2, 2010

Shopping parents

Last week I went shopping with my mom. I wanted to pick up some presents and just do some shopping. I usually find it therapeutic. I don't feel that way when people let their children run wild. I understand that sometimes kids act out. You can't always control them. It's about the way you handle it.
I saw 2 very good examples of opposite styles while waiting for moms cashier to get her act together. There was a man and his 2 or 3 children (whether they're all his or not, I don't know, but he was certainly in charge of all of them at this moment) standing behind my mom to the right. A woman and her brood of wild ones (can you tell which parent I like better in this instance?) were to the left.
On the right I saw one boy walk away from his dad and towards the toys on the wall. He touched one where the sticker enticed him "Push me!" and the toy started singing. In a calm voice the dad said to the boy "Stop pushing those buttons. Regular people don't want to hear all that noise". Immediately the boy stopped and walked back to stand by his father. He didn't seem upset, sad, or angry at all.
"JACKSON?! Where are you?!?!" screamed mom on the right as her turn at the register came and suddenly a wild banshee (A.K.A. Jackson) ran around a corner far from where his mother was and stutters to a stop next to her. But only briefly before running back off while his siblings touched every single thing they could reach and mom just ignored the lot.
Thank dog mom was finally done and we could leave this crazy place.

1 comment:

  1. Better practice you ignoring cuz I got lots o shopping 2 do & this time of year the number children @ least triples & their attitudes get worse & worse.


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