Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Vacation Part 2

The only bad part about my vacation was J had to work a normal week. And baby M was on spring break which meant he was being the house....all day long....every day. We all know how I feel about children. Despite the fact that I do love this particular child, that love does not equate me wanting to watch the child. So, I was glad that I didn't have to worry about taking care of anyone but myself.
J woke me up before she left for work on her first day back to work to let me know should would be leaving and that the babysitter was there so I wouldn't freak out when I got up and found the dude watching Spongebob with baby M on the couch.

Click through to read more!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Vacation part 1

I know it's taken me a while to write anything about anything...I left for a trip to visit J in Florida on the night of the 3rd. I left directly after the award dinner for the 100 Best Companies to Work for in Oregon (#4 baby!) and K was nice enough to drive me to the airport. I was packed and ready for almost an entire week by the time it was actually time for me to leave because I have been so excited for this trip. In fact, I made a countdown chain to have a constant reminder of the days left until complete freedom. I made it with cutsie paper...zebra stripes, pink hearts, glitter paper...I might have had a bit too much fun making that thing.
It was a weird feeling to walk in to the airport knowing I would be totally on my own until I reached Florida. Yes, I've been on my own living as an adult for years now, but flying across the country all on my own for the first time in my really hit the adulthood message home. I'm much more often closer to being a child than an adult so maybe that's why it was so weird for me. Or, maybe it's because I'm weird.
Anyway, I made sure to pack a couple of books and magazines to have for my wait time at the airport but found that my mind was far too distracted with the fact that I was finally on my way. I tried to read, but I couldn't comprehend anything. So I settled for people watching until the plane boarded. Which is really a lot of fun in an airport.
Click through the jump to read more!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Quality Family Time. Or Something Like That.

I woke up as early as I could Saturday morning, which turned out to be around 8 am. I had planned to drive up to my dads house in Washington to surprise my little sister for her Birthday. Her mom, my step mom, helped plan it out with me. Facebook brings people together (when it's not being a total jackass).
I packed a small overnight bag since I knew I would be staying for the night and headed out. I grabbed some rockstars and a protein bar when I got gas and I was officially ready for a mini road trip by myself. Except that I forgot my CDs. Damn. Oh well. Too late to turn back.
After driving for a little over an hour I saw a sign for a rest stop. Which I definitely needed. As soon as I saw the sign I got all the way over to the right and waited for the exit. That never came...How could I have possibly missed the exit? I know I went more than 2 miles, which is how far the sign told me the exit would be. I know I had my eyes on the road the whole time. What the heck?? I might pee my mean...tights.
Click through to see if I made it or not...