Monday, January 24, 2011

Another Weekend

Not a lot went on this weekend. At least, not a lot that I would like to discuss here. I've got not so fun stuff going on at home but I feel like things are moving in a good direction for everyone involved and things are going to better than any of us had ever hoped for.
Though, these not so fun things that are going on are kind of making me insane. Sometimes, adult life is a lot harder than you ever expect it's going to be, and in ways you never saw coming. But it's all for the best. At least, that's what I keep telling myself.
On the bright side of things, my mom got an adult trike and I'm so ready to try that em effer out! I went with her to pick it up from the store. It came unassembled in a box so she figured it would fit in the back of my car. Some grunting, sweating and a bruise to the back of my hand later, we find out it does not actually fit in the car, causing us to leave the awesomness behind to go and get my grampas truck. I always thought I hated big trucks until I got back into grampys truck for the first time in a long time. It was kind of nice to not feel invisible on the road. but parking would be a bear, and I'm not willing to deal with that. Looks like I'm sticking to a small car.
Click through the jump to read more!

Mom and I headed to Dennys for a quick lunch after picking up the trike. It was surprisingly hard for me to find something on the menu that I actually wanted to eat and when I did finally make a selection I changed almost everything about it. I settled on a nacho salad but switched out the ground beef for chicken and took out the sour cream and cheese. It was actually really good. I think I'll start adding some home made pica de gallo to my lunch salads because that was definitely delicious.
On that note, my diet is still going great. I'm eating more fruits and veggies than I ever have. It's definitely easier to get up early for the gym every morning now that I'm doing it regularly. I go to bed earlier and that helps. I weigh in tomorrow so we'll know then how week 2 has gone, but I feel really good about it. Even if the results aren't what I want to see, I know that I'm being healthy and that I must continue if I want to see results. I got this! I do think I'm going to start adding a few small carbs and starches to my diet. A potato here, maybe a piece of bread once in a while. I don't know. We'll see.

I gave myself one day a week to indulge in cravings and this week I needed chocolate. I miss ice cream, so I invited L to get some self serve frozen yogurt at our favorite place, Green Apple, which happens to be very close to my house. I learned that frozen yogurt is actually pretty healthy, aside from the pump of chocolate I put on top of it. I kept it healthy by topping it all with some strawberries. Totally delicious and well worth the week wait.
I'm realizing how nice it is to really enjoy the things I love once in a while instead of indulging all of the time. When I indulge whenever I want, I start to lose appreciation for them because they're always available. I know the unhealthy things I love are still completely available to me, but holding back and waiting, really does make them taste a whole lot better. Which is why, when I went to K and K2's this weekend and they ordered Dominos, I couldn't resist having one piece. I honestly have no idea how I only ate one slice, but that one slice was so completely amazing. I really do love me some pizza!
I had a really hard time talking myself down after that one slice though. First I had to talk myself out of a second slice. K made it easier when she grabbed my plate to put in the sink with hers. Thanks for saving my life K! Then on my way home, I had to talk myself down from pulling into a fast food place to binge on some burgers on fries. Then when I was finally home I had to order myself to go straight to bed because I was seriously considering having my own pizza delivered. It was hard. Somehow, I managed to make it through.

While trying to get caught up with my laundry I found out my dryer isn't working properly. Thanks to this I found out that the appliances were provided to me, but in my rental agreement I'll find that I'm the one actually required to maintain them. Awesome. The landlady won't even talk to me now. She didn't answer when I called and instead of calling me back, she had her son call me. Which turned out to be a good thing because even though he's not supposed to help me, he told me some things I could look at on my own before calling anyone and spending money I don't have to spend. Thanks landladys son.

R and I finally hung out again, this time without our chaperons. It went very well and I'm excited to see him again. The only bad thing is he works so much he barely has time to send a text. In fact, the day he came over he worked a 19 hour shift. Holy cow! I'm viewing this all as positive though because at this point in my life, I'm always busy. I get up and go to the gym, then I go to work for 8 hours and then I'm either cleaning or going out with friends. I'm focused on me, and him working so much takes a lot of the pressure off. Some guys get really clingy really fast, and that's no fun. Some guys get upset if you're not available to talk to them whenever they want. Most guys (I've found) have no brains. So right now, this smart, cute, hard working man is perfect for me to hang out with once in a while.
Plus, if we don't see each other often and I keep dieting, I'll just be healthier (and hotter!) every time he sees me. Hells to the yes.

In gym news, I ran into another creeper this morning. I love swimming, but I definitely hate the feeling of being on display that the wall of windows provides. To make it even worse the ab machines are right in front of the window, so when someone is sitting on those things they can see right into the pool area. This morning, one guy lingered an awful long time. And was SO not sly about staring. It made lap swimming feel awkward. Why did he think it was ok to stare at me while I'm working out?
I'm not there for you to stare at and ogle. I'm not there for you to stare at and make fun of. Whatever you were doing, I can assure you that is not why I was there. I'm there to make me happy. I'm there to workout. I am there for me. So sir, next time you see a girl in the pool, how about you just give her some peace instead of folding your arms on the windowsill and looking away really quick every time I come up for air. I'm not blind, and I'm not a moron. Get a life dude. Get a freakin life.

Also, I spilled ANOTHER smoothie in my car this morning. I didn't have time to go back home and try to clean it up like last time...The whole thing didn't spill this time though, so it wasn't that bad.

Happy Monday everyone! I hope this week is awesome for all of us!

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