Monday, April 18, 2011

Sunday drive (with pics!)

I had every intention of getting up and working out Sunday morning. Not like I had an alarm set of anything. I just told myself, when you wake up Kay, work out and shower. Don't just go right back to sleep.
I went right back to sleep anyway. No workout. Whatever. I walked miles and miles the day before and my legs were super stiff anyway. I think I deserved a little extra rest.
I finally woke up because my phone kept notifying me of new messages. One of them was from mom asking if we were going to go to lunch. Clearly, I wasn't doing anything else so I threw my hair up and put on some clothes that still fit and headed out the door.
Of course, her ultimate plan is to go pick up a piece of furniture from someone on craigslist. This woman seriously has some love for furniture. Chairs especially...but we were picking up some kind of cabinet night stand thingamajigger. That's the technical term just in case you're wondering.
Click through to read the rest!

Since we had a few hours to kill before going to get her newest acquisition, after lunch we decided to do some shopping. We headed for Hawthorne for a specific vintage store and figured there were enough shops around the area to keep us busy. I managed to get a spot pretty close to the store and on our way to the door we passed this sign:

Would you trust it? We went to the thrift store and passed the bus. This store we went to is gigantic. Every single time I've been there I hear at least one person talking about how massive the place is.There is really way too much to look at and it's hard to get your brain to focus. Maybe that's just me. Either way, with all the stuff in there, it's impossible not to find at least one thing you have to have.
I took my time roaming from one seller "booth" to another. From one portion of the building into another without even realizing it. I found a designer purse for a killer deal but decided against buying it when I found the Goodwill tag still stuck to the inside pocket...marked for half of what this current seller wanted for it. I know people are trying to make a profit and all, but I don't need to see that profit all in my face.
I found a really awesome ring case to put all my rings in at home...but decided I didn't really need it at the last minute. I saw really old books, some really ugly shoes, one really cool vintage shoe, cassette tapes, and some creepy looking dolls.
Mom found some cabinets that were basically the same as the thing she was going to have me drive to pick up. They cost a bit more then the once from craigslist. In the end I told her it was her decision and she walked away from the pricier options. I walked out of the store with an old, and pretty beat up, some kind of reptile skin purse. I think it's pretty amazing, even though it's in need of some serious TLC. Anyone know a good place to get leather-ish things fixed up? (Don't judge me. It's vintage)
On our way back to the car, mom couldn't resist the candy bus temptation any longer and I  followed her, almost begrudgingly. Why wasn't I more excited about the candy bus? Because I had no idea how truly awesometastical it was!

Come on in? Don't mind if we do!

Behold the wonders of the candy bus!

Gummies anyone?

I had a little bit of sensory overload trying to decide what I wanted to try. Naturally my instinct was to find everything chocolate, and then I thought I should try something I haven't tried before. Expand my horizons and what not. So, when mom suggested we buy one bag of some Mexican cookies and share them, so neither of us ends up over indulging, I agreed.

These are the cookies, in case you couldn't figure that out on your own. I had no idea what to expect when I took my first bite but was delighted to find out that under all those sprinkles is a marshmallow. The cookie was softer then the cookie part of an Oreo, but still crunchy. Not cakey at all. And boy were they sweet! Not overly so, just different then the kind of sweet I'm used to. Mom said that they use real sugar in Mexico, not corn syrup and such so I guess these cookies tasted more...pure.
Anyway, the candy bus is awesome and I highly recommend checking them out. The owner (ok, so I don't know that she's the owner, I'm assuming) was really nice and I know, even though I hesitated at first, I'll be back. Click here to check out their site.
After we left the candy bus, we started to make our way downtown, stopping at other thrift and vintage stores along the way. We run out of shopping mojo and get downtown to our designated meeting place half an hour earlier than we were supposed to. Mom calls the seller, and she doesn't answer. So she leaves a message and says something about how we'll go get coffee or something since we're early so I start to drive off, even though mom doesn't even like coffee. I don't think I made it a whole mile before the seller called mom back. I started to head back to the building we are supposed to meet at, then mom hangs up and tells me the seller needs ten minutes to get the thing out of storage. Cool, we'll just be early again.
As I pull up to park I can see the girl walking up the sidewalk carrying the cabinet. I wave so she knows she doesn't have to keep carrying that thing any further, not that it looks terribly heavy or anything. Mom checks it out and likes it so I take it from the girl and start to put it in the back of my car. Then I thank mom for finally buying a piece of furniture that actually fits in my car. Comfortably.
One time, she bought this chair. She had to have it. So I took her to pick it up from the store. The clerk there was nice enough to carry it out to the car for us. We tried to stick it in the back seat, but it was too big, even when we folded the seat all the way up. So then we folded the front seat all the way back and since this particular chair was horse shoe shaped, we angled it so it wasn't blocking the gear shift. The door had to be forced closed. I couldn't see out of the passenger window at all. I'm pretty sure it janked up my rear view mirror. And it's a good thing I don't use those gears after drive because I wouldn't have been able to pull the shifter any further back. And then I got to wrangle that big ass thing out of the car all on my own to drag it into my moms apartment. When she asks for a favor, she means business.
Now that we have her new cabinet, I start to make my way to her place. She asks if I mind driving her a bit past the St Johns Bridge instead of taking her right home, just so she can see what is on the other side and because she's not ready to go home yet. So I keep driving past the bridge. We pass Sauvie Island and she asks if I know what else is on the island aside from the pumpkin patch. I don't stuff? Berries. I'm pretty sure there's berries somewhere over there.
We keep driving and just like that we're in St Helens. I stop for some ridiculously expensive gas, we might have made a stop at the local DQ, and then headed back to our corner of the world. Seriously you guys, I drive everywhere. 20 minute drive? HA! That's nothing. Quitcher bitchin!

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