After work C and I headed to the park for some fun swinging action. When we got there, all the swings were taken, by kids of course. Damn those kids. They act like the swings were built for them or something.
We didn't have to wait long for swings to open up and then we were in the air being reckless with playground equipment.
After swinging until I made myself too dizzy to stand up straight on my own, we left. Since we were in the neighborhood we decided to ride over our favorite bumpy street in Gresham. There is one spot that is just so perfect for driving fast over...but it's an intersection so to get the best roller coaster feeling in your stomach when you go over it you have to hit a green light and have enough space between you and the car in front of you to get enough speed to make it worth it. Usually we hit a red light and don't have enough time to get enough speed or there are cars in front of us preventing us from gaining speed.
This time however, this time it was perfect. I turned the corner and saw the light was green. I had one long city block to get as much speed as I could. There were no cars in front of me. I hit the gas and hoped the light wouldn't change before I could get through it.
Still green....
Still green....
Im to the crosswalk now and it's still green. I think about just tapping the break lightly...and there's no way that's going to happen. The light turned yellow as we drove under it. We are totally gonna catch air this time!
We do. And it's amazing! We both squeal with excitement and maybe clap a lil bit.
We're 98% sure everyone that saw us thinks we're crazy but we don't care because that was soooo much fun!
Hey, was that a siren I heard? :D