Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Another weekend, another post. That's how this thing works apparently.
Friday, I had hopes of spending time with a boy. However, it seems the boy only accepts invitations to hang out and does not extend invitations on his own. At least, that's how it seems to me. Ideally, I would find a guy that was interested enough in spending time with me that he would ask me to hang out on his own once in a while. In the mean time, I will hula hoop in front of the tv for hours on Fridays.
Click through to find out what happened the rest of the weekend.

On Saturday, the first thing I did when I woke up (after brushing my teeth of course) was head to home depot to get some new locks to install. I feel crazy writing that, but I felt it needed to be done. I decided to start on the back door first, so that if I screwed up, the neighbors wouldn't be watching my meltdown. I thought it was kind of cool at first. Seeing how the inside of a deadbolt works and how the mechanisms work to make the door open. I followed the instructions and quickly found out that the new doorknobs I had bought, weren't going to fit. For a little while I tried to figure out how to make it work. Maybe using the screws from the old doorknob? Nope. Maybe if I screw the screws into the holes they're supposed to fit in before I attach it to anything. Kind of like, loosen it up a bit. No....Then I decided if the deadbolts fit, I would just change those and forget the stupid knobs. Thank god those deadbolts fit. You know, it seems like it should be so easy to change those things. But when you live in a house apparently built by people that have no understanding of proper construction, things aren't always standard sizes or properly installed in the first place. After 2 hours I had finally changed both deadbolts and had effectively emptied all the warm air out of my house. Awesome.
K came over that afternoon to catch up on our trash reality tv shows. Since we swapped clothes a few weeks back and it was time to swap again, she brought me my pink dress back as well as surprising me with a pair of her shoes and a new dress to borrow! Can you sense my excitement? I let her rummage through my closet and personal she store to find something to borrow. I'll spare you more details for now.
Turns out we didn't have as much tv to catch up on as we thought. My DVR and I are apparently fighting and he is refusing to record my shows. A hole...
After K left I started to get ready to go to A's for fight night. As it turns out, it's hard to watch the fights when someones big head is in the way. So A and I hung out in the kitchen. Which was pretty difficult. Since we're both on diets right now and some nice fella had brought 3 huge pizzas. They looked so delicious, and no one was even touching the veggie one which is one of my faves....We ate a few pieces of chicken instead.
It was an interesting fight night for sure. There was an older couple there and some how they were some of the loudest of all of us. Screaming for the fights and invading our friend conversations...Being generally awkward and hovery.
Sunday I headed to NoPo to see my family. We spent some time at Grampys and watched his old dog lick the linoleum and then throw up. Old dogs are not as fun as young ones.
After that I headed home to do a quick clean up before M, S and baby came over for dinner. M offered to look at my broken dryer for me in return for some dinner. He even offered to buy the food for the dinner. Deal!! I picked up S and baby at her house and exchanged random presents with her mom. She gave me an awesome yellow shirt and she got the old Nintendo 64 I found under my bed. With all the kids they have at their place on a regular basis, they totally need all the game systems possible. Prevents violent toddler riots ya know?
From there we headed to pick up M. Who gave us awesome directions that had us going the wrong direction. After a stop at the grocery store and some indecisive decision making* about what to have for dinner, we finally made it back to my house. M immediately started dismantling the dryer while S set up the baby jail (my favorite kind of jail) and I started to get things started for dinner.
With help from S, we used every burner on the stove to cook steak with asparagus, fried peppers and tomatoes, and some roasted red potatoes. Needless to say, it was a freakin delicious dinner.
Unfortunately, there was no gob of lint clogging my dryer. It's something else and M couldn't fix it without doing some research and getting a new part for it. Instead, he got my home computer hooked up to the internet again. Of course, all he did was push an on/off button that I had already pushed a couple of times when I tried to do it myself. But isn't that how it always goes?
Hey mechanic, my car is making this weird flapping noise. Can you check it out? Oh, it doesn't make that sound when you drive it? But it totally makes the sound when I drive it off your parking lot. Awesome. Hey IT guy, can you help me figure out why my computer won't go online? Oh, it goes online fine for you? You didn't even have to do anything? Sweet. I still have to pay you for that?
I think the objects in my life are trying to make me crazy....And it might be working...
M brought a couple movies for us to watch, and against my brains advice, we watched them both and by the time I took them both home and was able to crawl into bed, it was well past my bedtime. Well worth it.
I have to admit...that baby is pretty cute. Course, any baby that smiles at me instead of looking scared of me is usually ok with me. She totally sealed the deal when she gave S major stank eye and then high fived me for it. Fer realsies ya'll. It happened. Twice! Yep. I'm ok with that kid. We might even be friends some day.
No S, I won't babysit.

*You know long it takes to make a decision when all 3 people involved in the decision making want the others to be happy and won't speak up about what they want because they want the others to? FOREVER! That's how long.

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