Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Online Dating...some more

Yes, I still have and access the dating profile that K set up for me. I no longer have any kind of hope for finding anyone decent on there at all (not that I ever really had much hope of that) but still check in on my inbox there from time to time, just to see what's there. I've had many interesting conversations with boys on that site. And they are all ridiculous.

click through to get more juicy details!

From the over 40 year old who offered to buy me shoes in return for foot rubs, to the 19 year old with no car, job, or place of his own that wanted to go for a "walk in the park", to the other 40 year old who assured me he was married and only wanted to chat but got offended when I refused to meet him or share any of my personal information with him. "Damn, I thought I was wearing you down" he said to me.
No bro. When I say I don't want to date someone over 40 I really mean it. Especially when that guy told me he was married. Why do these men over 40 think that someone in her early 20's would want to date them? Sure, there are plenty of girls out there looking for sugar daddies...but I'm not one of them, and I told you I'm not so please listen to me when I tell you that.
The one I want to discuss now though, is not an older man. He is ridiculous none the less.
He started off with some small talk. As always, I made sure to check out his profile before responding to him. He seemed like a smart, normal guy and the small talk seemed to prove that point. He didn't ask questions like "whats ur fave position?" or "tell me a fantasy you have" like so many of the other guys that had messaged me before.
Yes, they really do ask those questions, and yes, they will ask those questions before they ask anything else.
Early on in our e-mail exchange he asked for me to share my facebook. I told him no. He asked why and I explained, as I have so many times now, that my facebook is personal and private. I don't just friend any old body. You can learn a lot about me from just being a friend on my facebook and I am careful about who I add. I'm not trying to get a stalker here. He said he understood and moved on.
Through our exchanges, he said things that made it clear to me that we wouldn't be a good match. He seemed to think it was unhealthy for me to surround myself with friends and was more then happy to spend over 40 hours on the computer in just a few days. He always seemed to look on the dark side of everything. He was lonely and there was always a dark cloud over everything.
I talked to him for a couple of weeks, just short e-mails back and forth. I had seen things that I knew made us incompatible, but wanted to give him a chance in case I was just getting a weird view. Things can so easily be misinterpreted on the internet.
Then he asked for my facebook again. After we got into an argument about why I choose to keep my facebook private, again, things got a little ugly. From here on out I'll just cut and paste our conversation.

Him:   its always 'you dont know me well'.. haha do u even want to know me?

Me:   I'm sorry. I really don't know what to say to you. You seemed like a really nice guy (and you are) so I talked to you to see if there would be any spark. But it's not like I was ever trying to form a relationship. My friend made this profile for me. I have my moments where I'm lonely just like everyone, but I really love being single. I just want to have fun and enjoy my life as a single girl and I can tell by the conversations we've had that while you definitely are a nice guy with a good heart and major brains (plus you got that whole good lookin thing goin for ya), you're not a perfect match for me.

Him: lol ghagahaha whatever.

Me: you asked, I answered. In all seriousness. Why are you laughing?

Him: haha

Me: you're just gonna keep laughing arent you? Youre never going to actually have a conversation with me about why this is all soooo funny, are you?
Now that's maturity right there

Him: haha sorry. it's just you dont know me like.. at all. and you say were not a match etc. how do you know were not a match?

Me: you're right, I don't know much about you, but you can learn a lot just by having some small conversations. Like when you said you think it's unhealthy to have a lot of people around. Whether that was said at a bad moment or not, you saying that at all tells me we're opposite in that realm of things because I really do love hanging out with people, often. Not that I'm never alone, but I enjoy spending a lot of time with others.
You can spend hours and hours on the computer for fun, and that's fine. I totally get that. But I prefer to spend my time away from the computer and out doing other things. I'm on the computer at work 40 hours a week and when I'm not at work I don't really need a computer for anything.
You've made assumptions and then just now laughed in my face instead of just talking to me. I realize that you might not see the value in being civil to me since we don't know each other in rl and all, but you acting that way shows me another way we're not compatible. If you would act that way at all, to anyone, then it shows me a bit about who you are and how you act and I don't like people that act that way.
So yes, I don't know where you grew up or what your favorite color is, but those things aren't really important are they?

Him: tell me.. what assumptions i've made? i can't recall a single assumption i've made about you. but ill make one now. i think you place yourself on a pedistial and thats not very healthy. heres another one. i dont even know for sure if you are real. u cant make your own profile? only 1 pic? fishy! u started out liking to talk to me. and then bam out of nowhere its like u already met someone OR lost interest and didnt have the balls to tell me. i wouldnt think of this as turncoat. and theres no reason we couldnt be friends but the fact remains i dont want to be your friend. you never really showed much interest in me anyway so i guess this is 'zero sum' as far as meeting people goes.

Me: Think what you want but I did have the balls to tell you. I just freakin told you. Clearly we're done talking and I'm fine with that. Im glad I got to say what I needed to say, even if it fell on deaf ears. Have fun with your life.

Him:  aww you mad? no you assumed i was assuming stuff about you. haha

Me: I'm not mad at all. I probably shouldn't respond at all but since I have all this free time I might as well.
I know I set you straight about some assumptions before, but of course have no proof since I deleted all the old emails I've sent and received. It doesn't really matter what I say from here on out. To you, I will always be the bad guy and I will never make valid points.

Him: correct you lack validity :) finally we can agree on something! oh ya you lack credibility too. oh not to mention honesty. haha i could go on.

Me: how do I lack honesty? Ive been honest this entire time. Now you're just trying to make yourself feel better by breaking me down. But since I know who I am, it's not going to affect me. Go ahead if it makes you feel better but you should really try to find something more constructive to do with your time, and brain.

Him: and another thing. you never told me in the PAST. that you had no interest in me. but rather now you did. can you understand that? lol or do i need to say it in various other ways?

Me: oh now you think Im brain dead? that's real nice. We've talked enough for you to know that Im not a moron. So what I didn't say it in the past? I was formulating my opinion in the past. Can you understand that? As soon as I realized that I was losing interest, I started thinking about how to tell you. Then I told you. Today. I tried to give you time to see if you would show me that you could be a good match despite the things I had noticed before. Why is it wrong of me to take my time in forming my opinion?

Him: you lie. thats why. you have no intrest in me 'officially' today but havnt for a week. and you claim to have balls.??? what? just stop talking to me. its getting ummm... trivial.. to the point where i may get a rash from talking to someone closed minded as you.

Me: Wow. See how mean youve become when all I did was man up and tell you how I felt? You have absolutely no idea when I lost my interest. You want me to stop talking, but you keep talking so why should I stop? I need something to help pass the time and since you keep providing the material...

Him: awww am i being mean? are you gonna cry now? man up? hahahahhah too funny

Me: There you go assuming again. I'm not even close to crying. I might cry from laughing so hard at your ridiculousness...but those are the only tears that are possible. I have no reason to be upset. I'm merely baffled by your behavior.

Him: oh so asking a question is an assumption? wow i did not realize that. but coming from u it doesnt suprise me the least.

Me: its the way you asked it silly. The string of questions you asked... whatever. Obviously you're just trying to get a rise out of me.

Him: Obviously? .... there you go... assuming again....

Me: No. It's obvious. It's very obvious because you are saying things that aren't true and trying to egg me on by trying to make fun of me getting mad, when I'm not even mad. Look at the messages you sent to me and tell me if someone sent the same thing to you you wouldn't say the same thing.
Oh, but you're ridiculous so logic doesn't apply in your mind.

Him: you try so hard and fail. hahha i bet your mad

Me: it should be "I bet you're mad"

Him: oh ... so mad that you feel the need to correct grammar. hah. you are such a hypocrite. first you say obviously as if it was a sacred tablet. and now you switch over and correct grammar when you obviously know what im saying. otherwise why would you correct it. so im not assuming because you corrected it :) and thanks btw for correcting my grammar! haha

Me: there is nothing else for me to say. All you said is that I fail. I know that that's not true, and you don't think of me as credible at all so me defending myself is useless. I tried and you said I failed so why would I try again? that would just be silly.

And that's how it ended. Now, I admit, I should have stopped talking to him much sooner but I just couldn't help it. He contradicted himself over and over again. He never acted remotely like this any of the previous times we had talked.

All of that because he wanted to see my facebook and I told him no.

And this my dear friends, is why I stay single.

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