Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dinner date

Friday night C took me out to dinner at Changs. She kept teasing me about the cook. Asking me f I was excited to see my "husband". Oy vey.
By the way, in case you're wondering, I've given him 2 chances and he flaked out both times so I don't plan on talking to him any more.
We set up a date and 3 days before we were supposed to go out he stopped talking to me and I couldn't get a hold of him. He text me after S went to Changs a few weeks after that and even though he told her we didn't talk because I was always busy, he told me he had been really busy and that's why he stopped talking. Lame excuse but because I am too nice for my own good (not to mention a wee bit lonely), I gave him another shot. We were supposed to go out last Wednesday. He asked me what day was good for me and I told him. Then he asked me what time and where we should go. I told him that he should make a couple of the choices...seeing as how he's the one that wants to go out, in my mind that means he should take some initiative in the planning. Maybe I'm just old fashioned...but I did make the first move and all so come on. So after I told him he should pick a time and we could decide on a place together...he stopped talking to me AGAIN! Wednesday came and went and I heard nothing. So, no, I wasn't what you would call excited at the possibility of seeing him because I make a weird face when I look at dumbasses and I didn't want to make that face.
Lucky for me he wasn't there. We sat down and enjoyed our hot soup before trying to get food. The line was crazy long when we got there and didn't go down much at all the whole time we were there. The place is always kind of a circus but this time seemed a little extra nuts to me. Once I finally got my food all piled up in the bowls I had to walk all the way around the thingamajigger to get in the line that was now following the wall. It usually stops at the counter separating the cooks and the diners.
In front of me was a woman and her young son. He was excited to watch his food be cooked on the big grill but when he finally made it to the counter he realized he was too short to watch. So he disappeared and came back with a chair to stand on. Right in front of me...making it impossible for me to move forward. Before I could say anything he moved the chair because they moved his bowls. At least now I had room to put my bowls on the counter... He continued to move the chair every time the line moved. Finally his food was done and he got out of my way. Then I got my food and sat down. C was only a few people behind me in line so she was sitting down to eat not too long after me. Good god I love that food.
Of course I went up for seconds because I always do, even though I usually get full after only a couple bites of my second plate and then force myself to eat as much as I can and I never finish and I always make myself sick from stuffing myself so much. This time the line was much shorter but when I finally got to the point where I should be putting my bowls on the counter...this woman got in my way. She stood in the way and then wouldn't move her bowls forward to make room for the people behind her to put their bowls up on the counter even though she had plenty of room. Come on lady! Don't you know Changs etiquette? By the time she finally got with the program my fingers were going numb from holding my bowls so tight...which was of course unnecessary. Silly me. Right when the line started to finally move I was blocked by a child on a chair. Why am I always behind this kid and his chair? This time I just stood on the sidelines and waited for my food in peace.
Or so I thought....Further away from the cooking station was a weird guy....staring at the cooking station with crazy lustful eyes...and a creepy smile to top it all off. He wasn't even waiting for food to cook. He was just standing there watching...and smiling. He totally gave me the hibbie jeebies. Mega time. He was there before I got there and he was still there when I finally got my food and walked back to the table.
Thankfully this time, it seems like I figured out the portions and I didn't get full right away. In fact I finished almost all of it and I didn't feel stuffed at all. Helps that the food tastes so damn good.
I looked around and noticed that now, there was no line at all. Now that C and I are both done eating. Of course. Figures. I see a child walk around the corner. But not just a normal walk. This kid was full on gangsta walkin ya'll! He had the pimp limp and thug fists and everything. It was pretty funny.
We headed to the grocery store to grab a couple of things before heading home. Forgot the ice cream though... Sad face. I thought about heading to the bar to watch some world class karaoke but I ended up being a boring old fuddy duddy and crawled into bed instead.

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