Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Harry Potter and snow

I went to see the midnight showing of the new Harry Potter movie with M, her boyfriend D and L. We got there around 8:30 expecting to have to stand in line outside. L and I bundled up for the wait only to find out we could sit down right now if we wanted to. We waited for M. While waiting we found a photo booth. L had cash so we hopped in (after finding someone to give us 1's because the machine is picky and doesn't take anything but 1's) and got to business. After figuring out how to get the thing to start taking pictures....and struggling with keeping ourselves in frame because that booth is tiny as hell, we spilled back out into the lobby area and waited for the pictures to print. Surprise surprise! They were already printed. And this kick ass machine prints 2 copies! So we each got one and after deciding which frame was our favorite M finally made it to the theater.
With most of our group here and D not being able to come until later, we headed to the theater to save our seats. M is the hardcore midnight showing of Harry Potter-er, so I let her choose the seats. She chose well. I should have brought a book...
We sit and talk and catch up. M finds a couple of her other friends waiting for the movie to start and disappears. The kids sitting in the seats behind us offer to play Harry Potter trivia. I say ok, but let them know that while I may be here and I certainly have read all of the books, I'm not going to remember a lot of details so I'm probably going to fail. And fail I do. So instead we end up talking about how tall this guy is (6'8"!!! And he's wearing those super tall boot things) and about random stuff until L leaves to go find her coworker friend and tall guy leaves to pick up their other friends. Trivia girl picks up a book and starts reading so I look for a family guy video to watch on my phone until L or M come back.
Finally everyone is here and we sit waiting for the movie, talking about mutual friends and boy issues (because we all have them) and bad roommate situations (because we have all had them) and watch random actors come through the theaters playing Harry Potter scenes for the waiting crowds (good fun btw to have live actors fall down right in front of you. Fake falling can be as funny as real falling).
Finally the movie starts. Yes, I enjoyed it. Yes, I will always recommend the books over the movies because of how much more detail you will get and more story. They just can't fit it all into the movies. However, I do love the movies. I may have shed some tears....good thing we grabbed all those napkins when we got the popcorn.
I was prepared to be mega tired at work on Friday but thanks to some stroke of luck (and a redbull) not only was I totally awake and functional at work, I even got up early and had time to shower, and get cute before starting my day. Course I had to because I wouldn't have time after work. K and K2 were taking me to the mountain after work! Yessss!
Ok, so I'm not usually the most prepared person in the world...and that's totally the case with snow gear. I don't have snow pants...so I threw some long johns on under my jeans and off I went (with a duffel bag filled with sweaters, wool socks, a hat, scarves and gloves) to meet at their place. He's the one with a truck and chains after all. After bundling up we hopped in the truck and headed to the mountain. We made a pit stop for some pizza on the way at a place they love and raved about until we got there. Nope, I don't remember the name of it. When we got there it was busy. We stood in line and were only barely in the door. It started to clear out by the time we finally made it to the front. We watched a party get up and leave...One of the guys had his snow booties on...not the hard you can walk in boots...but these soft weird things that were impossible for him to walk in. They bent and folded from side to side with every step he took. He waddled very slowly out the door while K and I tried our best to hold out laughter in. Then just as he made it out the door, the last girl of the group yelled to him that someone needed to come grab the pizza box on the table. "Someone needs to get this! Come in here and grab this pizza please!"
It should be noted that her legs were working just fine in her normal shoes and her hands were empty. Why didn't she just grab the pizza and give it to him when she got outside instead of making him walk all the way back inside on his wobbly legs? We'll never know...
Got our pizza and headed out the door. Where we found wobble legs and his friends were stuck in the parking lot. Using jumper cables. That doesn't look good. Away we drive! One more quick stop to put air in the inter tube (because I'm not awesome enough to ride a snowboard yet) and after driving for what felt like forever we finally made it to the snowy mountain. Do a couple quick cookies in the empty parking lot before sliding to a neat stop near a small hill to park.
We marvel at the snow and hike up a little ways so K can practice on her new snowboard. She's awesome at it right away. After a couple tries she can get up all on her own, she can ride just fine down our little hill...she just needs to learn how to stop now. While they're flying around at high speed, I'm running in place around the inter tube to keep myself warm. She's still rolling...so I do some jumping jacks. They're talking technique and to keep my mind off the fact that I'll have to learn snow sports from my friends boyfriends because I don't have one of my own to teach me I make shapes in the snow with my footsteps as I jog back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. My toes finally have feeling again. And my fingers are warm! K2 offers to pull me around on the inter tube so I hop on and he throws me to and fro making me do little tube donuts. Ummm fun! K decides we should find a place where we can properly ride the tube. Do a little snow hiking and find a hill. I'm too scared of where it will end up (it's just below the ski lift) so K2 tests it out for us. Only...the tube doesn't move. He's stuck. The snow is too fluffy and deep. I plop down and start working on the best snow angel ever (not really) and K2 tries to get K to try the bigger hill on her board but since we can't see the bottom it's a bit too scary. He goes off to test out the hill and K and I explore a little. We try to head over to a snow covered tree but we get stuck. The snow is sooooo deep! I take a step and suddenly I'm up to my knee in snow and falling on my face because if one leg is covered in snow to it's knee and the other leg is standing on top of all that snow covering leg number one, I lose my balance and fall over. From there it was all bad. For me. K was fine. K2 found us and laughed with K as I tried desperately to dig my way out of the snow. I couldn't use my arms to help me because they would just fall through the snow like my feet. My feet couldn't get a grip on anything. At one point my entire face was literally rolling in the snow while I tried to get up. Why was my face rolling? Because I was trying to flip myself around so I could get up. Duh. After huffing and puffing for like 10 minutes I was finally back on my feet. K was leaning back all relaxed waiting for me to get my act together. We started over to the tree only this tim K2 developed a technique similar to battle crawling to get over the snow. With your weight more evenly spread out across the snow you didn't sink in as much. Wish I woulda known that before all that work I just did. At least I'm getting a good work out in. And on the weekend no less. Way to go me.
The tree is perfection. Covered in fluffy piles of snow and with a small hut like opening in the middle. K crawled in and perched herself onto an icy branch. It was like a giant throne. We all hung out in there, out of the wind for a little while chatting about nonsense because sometimes people need to vent and the best place to do that is in the snow cave with your best friend. Right?
Catching my breath felt good but as soon as I started to feel my toes go numb I knew I was ready to go. We walked carefully back to the truck and when we got there I realized I was a mess. I was covered in snow from all the strategic rolling I was doing. I forgot that snow melts and turns into water...not mud. Silly me. I climb into the back seat and look at my legs. I'm wearing jeans. And right now they look like I bathed in them. My legs might go numb...it's possible. Thankfully K2's heater works like a charm and I don't lose feeling in anything. My lesson to you: Have fun when you run into quick snow. It's funny for your friends when you're rolling around like a taser victim on your face in the snow.

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