Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fight night and crackheads

A and R hosted fight night at their house. A is painting her nails when I get there, even though the preliminary fights are on. She has no interest in that. She has a sort of obsession with painting her nails. So I sit and watch her because she's drawing trees with blossoms on her thumbs and it looks freaking awesome and I'm amazed at what she can achieve with a little bobby pin. Once her nails start to dry she decides we need some snacks. I ask if she has any cookies, because I love cookies, and she actually does.
She has frozen Reeses peanut butter cookie dough so we start to bake those. Well, she tries and I have to take over because her nails aren't dry enough for her to actually do anything useful. Directions on the box say heat to such and such and bake for 12 to 14 minutes. Good. We can handle that. Wait, wait wait. A opens the oven before it's time and I tell her not to do that. Wait some more. Check cookies at 12 minutes. Whoa! They are totally not done. Think they'll be done in 2 more minutes? Ugh. What the heck.... Wait some more. A opens the oven again before it's time. Damn you woman. Stop it! Check again in 2 minutes. Nope, not done. Wait more than 20 minutes total, all while trying to get A to stop opening the oven door, and take the cookies out. Awesome. Still kinda not done in the middle and burnt on the bottom. Damn it. A blames me. Try another batch. A takes charge this time and takes the cookies out when they look undone...but it's ok because she taste tested them before taking them out and they're done, they just don't look done. She used the spatula to cut a cookie in half and take it out of the oven for testing purposes, because she didn't want to waste time looking for one of those silly oven mitt things. Safety first! K plays super waitress and walks around handing out fresh cookies to all the boys watching the fights. When people ask about the burnt ones A blames me. I might have to punch her if she keeps doing that. I followed the directions on the stupid box ok!
After some fighting about cookies we settle in to watch the fights.
One of R's friends brought his 2 small girls to fight night. The older one was mostly good. She liked to hang out in front of the fish tank and tell us all of the fishs names. "That one is Nemo. And that ones Nemo. And that one over there is Nemo". A points to a frog and asks if it's name is Nemo. "No silly. That's a frog. Not a fish." Only fish can be named Nemo apparently. And all fish, are in fact named Nemo.
The other girl is much younger. Not talking, barely has control of her legs and likes to play in things like the toilet and the dogs water bowl. We're all watching a fight and dear old daddie keeps having to tell his older girl to get out of the way, stay down, get down, get out of the way, stop walking in front of the tv, getdowngetdowngetdown. Yet, she keeps getting in the way. The baby wants to play with the things under the tv. The Xbox won't affect watching the fights so he lets her play. She pushes the buttons, pulls out all the game cases and remotes. The she stands up, using the tv to steady herself. Dear old daddie pulls her to the side so she's not in the way of the fight but lets her slap her hands all over the bottom of the screen and the side of the tv. I realize I'm watching these children, that I don't even like (because we all know how I feel about the youngins), more than I'm watching the fights which I actually enjoy watching. I also notice dear old daddie is watching the fight instead of watching his kids, but I get it. He wants to see the fights too.
I refocus on the fight. They're on the ground. One guy is going for a lock. It's tense.
And then it's all black.
Baby had pushed the tv's power button.
Damn it.
Oh and how nice, if you push the button too many times you have to wait longer for the tv to turn back on. Of course the baby pushed the button too many times. You know a fight can end in less than a second right? Here we are with a black screen for 20 seconds. My brain was going insane. Dear old daddie says "Whoops! I forgot about the tv buttons hahahaha". Thankfully the fight was basically the same as before it turned off.
Why are you even letting your baby play by the tv? You're at someone else's house where everyone has come to watch the fights on someones else's tv. Why on earth would you let your baby, who if I'm remembering the conversation about dishwashers earlier correctly, likes to push buttons on everything and won't stop until she finds the button that does something, play basically on the tv during the fight? I mean...seriously. Oh it's because she started to cry when you tried to take her away from the tv? Well that doesn't mean she needs to play by the tv! That means she needs to learn that she can't play with everything she wants whenever she wants.
K keeps looking over at me. Whether it's because she feels the same way I do or if it's because she knows how I feel about children and is waiting to see my reaction, I don't know. We decide to retreat away from the children and go back into the kitchen. As A and I gossip (a.k.a. her blaming me for burnt cookies and me threatening her life) we realize that all of R's friends have left. Child free house! Yay! Victory lap! Which ends at the computer where we order pizza because we're hungry. K and G take off and we enjoy our pizza while catching up on Dexter. DVR's really are an awesome invention. After 2 episodes I head home. I'm definitely exhausted and ready to climb into bed.
I'm almost to my street. The car driving in front of me turns down my street. I turn. The car in front of me turns into my driveway. INTO MY DRIVEWAY! It's 1:30 in the morning people. Why are you in my driveway!? This happens to me way too often. I start screaming at them from my car. Flailing my arms, trying to get them to understand that they are in my way. That is my home and they need to move the ef out of my way. As I'm flailing a crackhead (don't judge me for calling them crackheads. They are. I know they are. I live next to these people and I see them and what they do and I know that they are crackheads ok?) wearing no shit, but an open jacket, walks up to my passenger side door. I take in the situation. The car in my driveway has only just started backing up. Crackhead wants me to roll down my window. Car is now blocking the entire street while they decide where to go. I"m blocking half the street and crackhead is in the way and his crackhead girlfriend is standing on the other side of the street blocking the car from moving. I roll my window down a smidge. I stutter a bit and ask him "Uhh whaddya doin?"
"I'm looking for a cigarette. You got one?"
Nope. Sure don't. Don't smoke. Nope.
"Well, where you goin?" He says with a slow grin in a voice that makes me think he's seeing bright colors and monsters hiding in bushes. I'm just trying to drive ok. This dude is in my way and I'm just trying to go. Finally the crackhead girl moves to the sidewalk and the car can finally get out of my way. Only just barley because it's parking basically in front of my driveway. Without looking back at the crackhead I drive. Past my house. Turn the corner. And start to sob. Awesome. I'm exhausted. I just want to sleep. I had to warm my car up for 15 minutes before I could even drive home because it's so cold out. Now I feel like I can't even go home because the crackheads and their terrible driving friends are hanging out in the street in front of my house so no I don't want to go home alone late at night where they can watch me go into my house alone. No. I don't want to do that. So I drive around for half an hour. I make a couple passes by my street. The car is gone and there are no signs of wandering crackheads so I finally pull into my driveway.
I'm tired but too scared to go right to bed. So I put some clothes away and pick up the house a little. I leave the living room light on and head to my bedroom. I turn the tv on and look for something funny to help my mind settle. But there isn't really anything good on at 2 am. I shut off my light but leave my door open so I still get the light from the living room. I grab my mag lite and tuck it into bed next to me, as a weapon. I leave my pepper spray next to the bed....just in case. I fall asleep with the tv on. Fear sleep isn't as restful as normal sleep.

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