Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween: Night 2

There I am, sitting in my recliner minding my own business, watching TV with C, when we hear a knock on the door. Since it's daylight and C is home I get up to see who it is. I peek through the blinds and see a woman...with a child. A my house? Who could this be?
So I open the door. The first thing I notice is the clearly religion related pamphlets in the womans hand. You knocked on the wrong door lady. She asks if I've accepted Jesus as my lord and savior. I'm a bit stunned and stutter for a second. Thank you but I'm not interested. That's not enough. She asks if I know of Jesus. Well of course I do. Who doesn't really? Well maybe she can teach me she starts to offer...I stop her mid thought and tell her no offense but I'm just not interested. Still not enough?! Ok, I don't want to be rude....especially in front of the little girl (clever scheme bible thumpers....clever...) but I'm not interested and if they would look at those pumpkins they're standing a couple feet from they would realize they are at the wrooooonnnnng house. I say thank you again and I'm not interested again as I start to close the door in her face while she gave me judgey eyes. Sorry lady, but I told you.
Clarification: I have nothing against Jesus. In fact, I just partied with him the night before and he's a cool dude. I have nothing against people trying to spread the word about their faith in the hopes of helping others. Having faith is an awesome thing. It's not for me, but it's great for a lot of people and I'm not opposed to talking about things and contemplating and learning but I don't want to talk to someone who thinks I am a heathen for simply not believing the same things. I don't want someone to preach to me. I don't want someone to judge me because isn't God the only one that can judge me anyway? So get your judgey eyes and child away from my pornkin having, heathenism encouraging fun house.
I spent some time getting my costume together. Without the ribbons to worry about I decided to throw on some fishnets and grabbed my feather boa to keep my neck warm for the night. E picked me up around 6:30 and we headed out to an awesome house party.
The place was decorated perfectly. Webs, fake spiders, strobe lights, hanging shackles on the walls and mounds of snack foods. The DJ was setting up when we walked in. We headed straight for the food and said hi to our friends and his family. I headed upstairs to hang out with a couple of my friends. All the rooms upstairs were set up for hanging out. Tons of places to sit, different music in each room, a candy bowl for each room and different decoration themes in each. I got attacked by some little green guy with no legs who kept screaming about being hungry. There was a hand stuck in the corner that kept trying to escape and scaring me. There were many fights over the good candy in the candy bowls. We ended up having to switch our bowl out with the one from the hall because it was fuller. We spent a couple hours just mingling with new people, eating tons of junk food and listing to the DJ.
Almost no one there was in a store bought costume. It is so much more interesting to see home made costumes and there are no repeats. Even the few people in store bought costumes had ones that I hadn't seen before and that looked awesome. Candy Corn girl and the Chilean Miner won the costume contest. I didn't even know there was a contest until A handed me a home made candy wreath with a skull hanging in the middle. This thing is seriously the coolest. Runner up prize = kick assness. Be jealous. Or  not. I don't care.
My fishnets kept getting stuck the the chairs I sat in so I ended up sitting on the floor a lot which is way more fun in a tutu. I love poofy tutus. The eliminate the need to sit like a lady cuz you can't see anything through all the poof. I should wear tutus all the time.
There was a long moment where I thought K was going to kill the tv in our room because it was set to 80's music which he apparently hates and we couldn't find a remote to change the channel. He took a chance and turned the tv off and all 8 people in the room stopped talking and looked at him the second he pushed the power button. He turned it back on. War lost.
Eventually everyone started to leave at the same time. I think we were all bloated from eating way too much candy. Bloated girl in a tutu doesn't look cute when she waddles.

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