Monday, December 13, 2010

Cookie Baking Day

Lil K came over around 11 and we got started on making snicker doodle dough right away. I had just enough time before she came over to do dishes and clean the kitchen so there was plenty of counter least there was before we started. We got everything mixed together and were using my mixer to get the job done. Then my mixer quit. It made a loud noise and told me it didn't want to do any more work. Cookie dough: Done! We stuck it in the fridge to chill and sat down to talk before the other girls made it over. I told her all about my not blind date and K's lokoness.
K and L showed up together and we started making chocolate crisps. I melted the candy bars and made K clean and measure. Though she was having a hard time paying attention...She was gushing to everyone about my not date. She seemed more excited for him to text me than I was. Silly woman.
With the crisps done and the snicker doodles going into the oven we prepared for sugar coma. The first batch of cookies came out of the oven, and even though we had forgotten a step (you're supposed to chill the baking sheets? Whoops....) they were delicious! And gone in about 5 seconds. More cookies into the oven, and still waiting on the crisps to cool enough to eat.
After all the snicker doodles were finished A was finally off work and able to join us but lil K had to leave the party to play driver and head to work. Thankfully she took some cookies and a crisp to G so there was less left at my house for me to consume.
I saved the chocolate chip cookie baking for when A was able to make it so she wouldn't miss all the fun and I headed into the kitchen to start. The girls whined at me and I told them they didn't really have to help but they did have to keep me company in the kitchen. Which they did. Thank you ladies.
We talked about whatever random topics came to mind (boys, work, family), as always and laughed a lot. And then Mad Libs came out. I continued baking and they sat in a circle having story time.
"Uh...which one's that again?"
"Person, place or thing"
"Which one's that again?"
How did you guys get through english class?
I kept responding with answers, but they were all related to cookie baking. Delicious, gooey, tasty, nummy. Yea, ok. Probably not the best choices. Fine. You guys win.
As one story is read aloud, K has a brilliant idea. "That could be a movie! We should make this into a movie you guys."
928.4 years later, all the cookies are baked, story time is over, and we're all in an almost deadly sugar coma. K and L decide they need to get going so I order them to fill a tin of cookies before they go and thank God they do because I might be dead right now if they hadn't.
A and I hang out for a few minutes before she leaves. She invites me over for dinner and the season finale of Dexter and of course I say yes. Because I know R will be cooking. And that means yummy.
So yummy...

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