Friday, December 3, 2010

I'm your man! Er....Doorman at least.

Around 3 in the afternoon, the company's bookkeeper called in a slight panic. She was helping to host a first Thursday even not far from my own office but they forgot one small, yet very important detail. Their buildings main entrance door locks automatically to the outside world at 5. The event was from 5 to 7ish which meant they would need someone downstairs for those 2 hours to let people in. Once she offered some money to go along with the job, I was in. It is the holiday season after all.
The place was only about 6 blocks from my office so I walked straight there after work. They had someone at the door already, since I wouldn't be able to get there right at 5 and he let me in. I went upstairs and tried to find V but had little luck so I headed back downstairs and asked the doorman of the moment if he knew her. I let him know that I was the one coming to relieve him of the doorman duty and he happily gave me the key fob and went to find V for me.
Key fobs are funny little things. A tiny little piece of plastic has the power to open a big huge door. Well ok, maybe not open...unlock. I still had to do the actual opening.
V came down with a glass of wine in hand and thanked me for helping her out. She asked if I wanted anything. Wine, beer, hard alcohol. Haha. Rather than going into the non drinker thing I just said no thanks, which I find is much easier. She headed upstairs and I was left to be doorman for a couple hours.
On the way from my office there was a light rain. I had to use my hood and even that didn't completely shield me from the rain. I was afraid standing outside in the rain that I might freeze to death. Thankfully the rain had already stopped and it wasn't actually too bad out. Of course I didn't even consider taking off my jacket or scarf to try to look more doorman-y. I wondered what I was going to do with myself for 2 hours out here. Could I read the book in my purse? Should I watch Family Guy on my phone? Can't listen to my ipod because I forgot my headphones...
People watching was my choice. First Thursday downtown is always fun. There was a big group of kids (I'm guessing middle school or early high school years) just down the block looking at the art galleries down there. They didn't all seem too excited about spending their night pretending to care about art that they clearly had no interest in. They filtered into the building and not 3 minutes later one boy came back outside apparently done looking. He wandered down to the corner, back to the gallery, into the street, back to the gallery, across the street, back to the gallery. Where are the chaperones?
Oh...time to open the door. Swipe key fobby, open door, smile at people, tell them to head upstairs via the elevator. Easy peasy.
The entire group of kids were now back outside and heading to a gallery on the other side of my (for the moment) door. Chaperone lady guides them inside their next stop. Of course, almost instantly kids start coming back outside. One group stands almost next to me (thankfully I have a nice little alcove to hide in) but it gives me something to watch. Aw look, young love. (BLECH) An intruding friend gets in on the couple hug. Suddenly high fives all around. Literally. 6 way high five. I've never seen anything so glorious (not true but for the moment it was). And then they were gone. I think I heard something about donuts. Jealous.
First doorman comes back downstairs to check on me.
"I brought you water even though you said you were fine."
HAHAHA nice. Thanks homie friend. He stands outside, apparently waiting for a drummer. We stand outside silent for a minute before I realize I'm being a little awkward so I ask his name and introduce myself and make some small talk. He tells me he likes to bring V roses. Aw cute. Then the drummer comes. He tells drummer they needed someone to watch the door. I smile and say "Yep. I'm your man! Well...doorman. For now anyway." With that they head to the elevator and I'm left alone again.
Swipe fob and let a few more people in. Study the architecture of the building across the street. Watch someone get frustrated with the parking ticket machine and leave in fury. Watch someone have no problem with the same machine. Watch a cute old couple admire art from the sidewalk. Swipe fob, let someone in. See the ROUNDEST DOG EVER walk in front of me. See the most amazing over the knee boots on the planet. Oh so many beautiful jackets. Swipe fob, let someone in.
V comes back down to check on me but this time she brought friends and they brought me snacks!
"We brought you sparking pomegranate juice! And water! And snacks!"
"Here! I even gave you a napkin for wiping" says one friend, handing me the plate.
They are all laughing and smiling and perhaps slightly buzzed. I can't help but smile and am grateful to be "working" for such awesome people.
They all clamor out the door for a smoke break. V thanks me, again, and announces to her friends that this is the second time I've seen her drunk.
She's a fun drunk. Happy and bubbly and entertaining. I encourage this behavior. Always.
They take a walk around the corner and I take the chance to check out the plate of goodies. Some nuts, cheese, crackers, salami. Nom nom. I eat and try a little of everything, even the things I'm scared of because I'll never know if I like it or not if I don't try it. I've been trying to expland my taste buds view of the world. It didn't go so well...but most everything was delish. And the sparking juice was awesome. I stowed the sparkling water in my purse and put my finished plate on the ground, using my napkin to cover the pile of pistachio shells.
V and friends come back around the corner, still laughing and smiling and we all exaggerate the doorman shtick.
"Why hellloooooooo there! We're here for the party!"
"Well let me just get this door for you!" Impossible not to have a good time with these people around. They head back up to the party and again, I'm left to my duties.
Suddenly I notice the cold very much. My toes may in fact be going numb. I start to worry about frostbite. How long does that take to set in? People get stuck in snow for hours and hours and they get messssssssed up. I'm being ridiculous. It's not that cold out. V even told me I didn't have to stand outside. I could stand inside. But I am stubborn and feel like I should be out here. I should just move some more. Get the blood flowing. I do some random pilates moves. Pace the doorway. Do a couple little kicks. That's when I notice one guy I let in is still right behind me. He's been on the phone so he hasn't gotten on the elevator and saw my whole snazzy routine. You are welcome sir.
Professional. Act professional woman.
Psha, right.
A woman comes back outside and in a pleasant British(ish) accent asks if I'll be posted out here all night, with concern on her face. She's relieved when I tell her I'll be done very soon. How nice. Some people actually do give an eff.  
One guy I let in much earlier comes back outside.
"You're still out here?!"
Well...yea...but I'm almost done. Check my phone...yep. I inform him I only have 3 minutes left with a smile on my face. It's not so cold out here. I'm fine. Totally fine. Not even cold.
He holds a hand out to me "I'm C."
I shake his hand and tell him my name. Again, he holds his hand out.
"Which one?"
In the palm of his hand he's holding 2 rocks. One small and clear, kind of triangular in shape and the other much larger, white, square-ish and kind of sparkly. I think for a moment and then grab the clear, smaller one. This one is the one I want.
"I knew you'd choose that one. That will be your lucky rock." he says with a smile on his face.
Thank you C. I stare at the rock in my hand and think how lucky am I? I just got a lucky rock from a complete stranger. It feels lucky. It looks lucky to me. There's even a small touch of green near the point...perhaps I don't know but I love it. Love it.
"Have a good night K" and he's off into the night (aka next door at the gallery) mysteriously, like a mysterious thing.
And then my doorman duties are done. I head upstairs to find V so I can get paid and head home. She takes a few minutes to introduce me to everyone she can (ahh, friendly drunks) and thanks me about a billion times for helping her out. She walks me back downstairs and insists we go to lunch together. A couple more hugs and thank yous and I head back to my car. Where I realize my toes are definitely frozen. Heat will really make you notice how cold you are. Totally worth it. I walked away with a check and a lucky rock.

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