Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Saturday is crazy

I woke up in the middle of the night and I'm pretty sure I had a dream about a challenged cat. All I remember is looking for my keys frantically so I could get in my car with this crazy eyed cat coming at me. He was screaming at me. "Maow! MAOW!". Terrifying.
I was supposed to have breakfast with Big J and C so I set my alarm for 9 even though it was a weekend. Since we didn't have a specific time to meet C told me on Thursday night she would just text me when she woke up and then we could get up and ready at the same time. She wasn't going to be staying at the house Friday night so she couldn't actually come in my room and wake me up. This seemed like the next best option.
I laid in bed watching Walker Texas Ranger (because who can resist?) until about 9:30 and then I decided I would shower even though I hadn't heard from C yet. I took a nice long weekend shower (I love when I don't feel rushed but still won't get up early enough to avoid feeling that way on weekdays) and took my sweet time putting on makeup. I checked my phone and there was still nothing. I decided I would play in my closet for a little bit and if I hadn't heard from them by 11 I would text.
Sure enough 11 came around and I still hadn't heard anything, so I text C and asked if we were still meeting for breakfast because I was starting to get hungry and I didn't want to have a bagel if they were going to want to meet in 20 minutes for food. I waited 10 minutes and didn't hear anything so I sent a text to Big J. 10 more minutes went by without a word so I sent them both the same text letting them know I was going to go to lunch with my mom because I was starving and hadn't heard from them and off I went.
At a quarter after 12 I finally heard from Big J. They decided to take a late night beach trip and ended up sleeping in which is why they didn't respond. Nice.
Let me be clear here. I am not at all against late night beach trips. At all. I can't even count how many times I've run off to the beach in the middle of the night for no other reason than to go to the beach. I love it there and will go there as often as I can. I've even gone to the beach on a work night and been back in time to go to work the next morning. Spontaneity is totally my friend. I also understand how sleeping in can happen even when you set an alarm. It does however upset me that we had breakfast plans and they went to the beach with a plan to be back around 10 for breakfast and I never heard about that plan. It does upset me that when I get upset about it I'm made to feel like I'm being crazy for being upset at all about the situation. It's really weird writing this knowing that they'll read it...but this blog is about my life and this is how my day started on Saturday.
I was at my moms when I finally heard from them and we were at my grampys when Big J decided to call me. I took the call outside because I knew I was upset and didn't want to be that way in front of my family. Big J told me to calm down and said he had already apologized so what more could I possibly want. I hung up on him. Maybe not my best moment, but it happened.
I was literally shaking from being so upset. I made plans to hang out with my friends and they disappeared without a word and then made me feel bad about getting upset about it? Ummm huh?
So mom and I headed to lunch. We went to Elmers (random choice) and got some food. I couldn't eat most of it. Mom suspects stress is the cause. I get a box and plan to have the rest for dinner. Time for some retail therapy. That always helps.
We head to the outlet stores in Troutdale because mom has been reading too many cooking blogs and now has a whole list of wants for the kitchen and there is a kitchen store out there. I touch everything that catches my eye and we walk around the whole store in only a few minutes. There are tons of things to buy, but nothing we can't live without so we move on. We head to Sunglass World because I just lost my only pair of sunglasses and mom wants a pair anyway.
First thing I see when I walk in the door? Totally awesome choices of rain boots, all for the exact freakin price L and I paid a couple weekends ago. I could be wearing awesome giraffe print boots... Oh well. Now we know. I try on 4000 pairs of glasses (or like 10) and finally settle on an awesome giant pair. I spend some time looking at some seriously discounted gloved (genuine leather isotoners for $5? Yes please!) and we head out with stuff we need but don't really. On to Goodwill which is, as always, crazy busy and swarming with loud crying children. There should be a place where I can buy things I like without having to avoid the crying child down the shirt aisle or the mother yelling at her kids to "just stop it!!" down the shoe aisle. Just saying, if your kid is acting up in the store then maybe you shouldn't be in the store at that moment. I'm not going out so I can hear you yell at little Greg to stop whining. Your yelling is way more annoying than his whining by the way.
I drop mom off at Winco so she can buy 14 tons of apples and then take her back home so I can head to my home and get ready for fight night. Not that I have much readying to do. E picks me up around 6:30 and we head to S's to watch the fights. Which are awesome! I really didn't think Brock would go down so fast...but down he went, and covered in blood. It kind of looked like a horror movie exploded on his face.
After the fights were over I decided to see if I could still hang out at A's. She had fight night at her place too but I made the plans with E before I knew she was going to have people over too. Even though most people were already gone, she let me come over. We laughed at her dogs and played on the Wii fit. I kick ass at the bubble game but almost every other one I suck at. And every game I sucked at made A way happier. She's a poor sportsman. I said that to her face so don't worry, she knows. We ate some ice cream and then played some more Wii and every time it was A's turn she would say something that made her sound like a child. "Ok, here I go" in a kid voice. "My turn!" in kid excitement. "Watch me" like a kid. She's funny. Eventually I decided to head home for the night. She had to work the next day anyway so I didn't want to stay there for way too long. I love that I can go to her house and not really do anything but still have a blast.

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