Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011 begins...

I can feel in my bones that this year is going to kick serious ass you guys. Can you feel it? I feel motivated, ready, excited, and more happy then I've ever been! I know that not everyone's year started off on a happy note but the good news is, that doesn't mean every day has to be that way.
My new years resolution is to be happy. To live life to the fullest as often as I possibly can. To do things that I love to do. To explore new things and find out what else is out there.
So, for the first day of this new, ass kicking year, I slept in. Duh! I love sleep and sleeping in isn't the same today as it was when I was in high school. I used to sleep in until past noon. I still can...but now a days, I wake up around 9:30 naturally and with no plans I can lie in bed and watch some music videos until the urge to dance is too much and I'm forced to get out of bed so I can move my body.
I'm a crazy person.
For the last 2 days of 2010 I had tried to curl my hair. My hair is a stubborn beast, and I've tried to curl it in the past to no avail. But I saw a video on a blog somewhere and the girl made it look so easy to curl her hair...I had to try it. So on Thursday, I got up early so I had time to curl before work. For 45 minutes, with the curling iron on it's highest setting, I curled and curled and curled. It didn't look anything like I was expecting but it looked awesome. I ran from the bathroom to the living room to inspect it in the full length mirror. By then, the curl had already started to fall out. I was disappointed, but had expected it so I just went on with my day.
Friday morning, I tried again, to curl my hair. This time with a different curling iron, still on the high setting, and this time curled every section 2 or 3 times and used hair spray. I hate hair spray. It smells and makes my hair feel gross. Crunchy hair is all bad. But I wanted curls. So I tried. It lasted longer this time...but not much. By the time I made it to A's with L that night the curl was gone.
So, when I woke up on the first day of this year, I made the decision to get curly hair. I bought some foam rollers months and months ago but never got around to trying them. Most people say you should put them in damp hair and then sleep on them. Wake up, take them out and BAM! Curly hair. The problem for me is, if I sleep on my hair I have to shampoo it in the morning otherwise I look like a grease ball and that's not cute. Since I had hours ahead of me with no plans I decided to try the curlers out while I did some chores around the house.
I had to leave them in for a minimum of 3 hours but I was hoping for 4... I quickly ran out of things to do. I didn't want to sit in front of the TV and be a zombie for hours so I tried to read a book, I washed some dishes, did some laundry, played with some clothes for a while, painted my nails, finally broke down and watched MythBusters (Pirate myths! ARRRRH!), and I still had forever to wait. I was finally ok with succumbing to New Years day TV marathon madness when K text me about dinner that night.
Her family is so nice. They invited me over for a New Years (belated Christmas) dinner because they know I didn't get any turkey over the holidays. It was mentioned that rolls were still needed, and since I had to go to the grocery store anyway (cereal just isn't the same without milk to put in it...) so now seemed like the perfect time to take my rollers out. I was tempted to go to the store with them still in though.
Oh. My. God. you guys...I love my hair curly! I love my hair. Period. It's awesome even on bad days. I look like a completely different person with curly hair. And I totally love it. I'll be using those more often. Though...when I'm not so sure yet.
I went to the store and did my shopping. I had a hard time finding rolls because I am blind I guess. I made it through the checkout and back home and barely had time to ogle myself in the mirror before I had to head over to K and L's parents house.
Their house is always so inviting to me. It feels warm and comforting inside. Maybe it's because the people inside are so nice and happy and definitely close to my heart. And they have dogs. That always makes for a comfortable atmosphere. In my mind anyway.
The table was set with a beautiful dark red table cloth and when all the food was done and on the table it was basically like looking at heaven. Turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, and scrumptious fruit salad. Everything tasted so good. A warm, home cooked meal really tastes better than any other kind of meal. Up yours fast food!
After my second helping, I was in full on food coma mode. I managed to make it to the living room, which was now the designated digesting room. There was much less talking and movement during this digestion stage. Until they started getting into the pies. I couldn't have a piece. I would have exploded and that's just a mess no one should have to clean up, so I stayed away from pie. This time...
Once my brain started to function normally again, I could pack up the leftovers I was being sent home with (THANK YOU!!!) and head over to A's for an impromptu fight night. When I got there, I walked in without knocking the way I always do, and was faced with far more people than I I sat on the floor in front of the door so I didn't have to try and navigate through the sea of people in the middle of a fight. When the fight was over I could finally make my way into the kitchen to hang out with A and lil K.
After a while, when some people had cleared out and things had calmed down a bit (you know, cuz we're so wild and crazy all the time) A brought out a couple presents for me. She told me before I came over that she had something for me but not to get too excited because it was just a couple of little random things that reminded her of me. Those are the best kind of presents so I was excited even though she didn't want me to be.
I was so right to be! I opened up the first package and inside I found a small coin purse with a picture of a high heel. It says "If the shoe fits...But it!" and inside it was...A MONOCLE! My very own monocle. She even put a chain on it...with a little bitty smiley face at the end of it! I opened the second package, they go together I was told, and I could hardly contain my excitement. A Baskerville pipe! I immediately tried to put the monocle on and do my best Sherlock Holmes impersonation. But the stupid thing wouldn't stick in my eye socket. My eyes aren't sunk in enough for this accessory I guess.
After a lot of trying, and way more laughing I finally got it to stick and A happily took pictures.

Aren't they fantastic?! Answer: Indubitably!

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