Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wardrobe renovations

Like I said in the last post, I am really excited about this year. I was excited about this year from day 1. On day 4, we had our company meeting. Our company meetings are always good. Boss lady really wants us to be happy as people and that was her focus in this meeting. She bought us all a copy of the book The Happiness Project and is encouraging us all to follow our dreams.
Funny thing is, without knowing anything about this meeting, I had already set a date with K for that night and had been looking forward to it since we planned it. The plan was for me to go to K's place and go through her closet with her, to help her make new outfits with the things she already has and to help her figure out the things that were missing from her closet.
I want to be a personal stylist. I want to go into people's closets and put together outfits that make them feel like a million bucks, without having to spend it. I want to help people be able to look in the mirror and be totally in love with the reflection they see. And of course I want to go shopping too (which is something I have done with many friends before)! I don't know why I feel so silly writing this out, but there it is.
So, if that's my goal, to be a stylist, what better way to start then by playing dress up with my friends?
I want to play in a new persons closet every month. Just one a month. I know I can make that happen! Even if all 12 are friends.
When I got to her place, she was totally ready to go. She showed me to her closet and for a minute I stood there with no idea at all what to do. So we started to look through what she had. She started to pull out some things that she had and loved but wasn't sure how to wear them differently or what to pair them with while I tried to decide how to best organize. Before I could get to organization we were already trying things on. I pulled a couple of pieces from her "I want to wear more pile" and handed them to her so she could change. Then we changed the shirt. Then added some jewelry. The found some jewelry she didn't even know she had. She decided to get all of her shoes out so we could see what we had to work with...and because she just wanted to lay her shoes out to ogle a bit. (For good reason too. She has some fantastic shoes!) I kept finding things that were amazing and I was completely mind boggled as to why she wasn't wearing this stuff more. She obviously likes it all enough to acquire it.
A few outfits in and we were totally on a roll. We were both having a blast and things were going great. We had a small break for dinner (that K2 lovingly cooked for us. Love you man!) and then went straight back to work. I started to rifle through a pile of clothes to look at what all was there and I did a little dance.
Dance dance dance
And then realized that K was side eyeing my dance.
"Uh...yea sorry about that."
"Hey, if that's what makes miracles happen!"
Miracles? Hahahahahaha! At least I knew she was having a good time and liking what she was getting out of it. I was having a blast too. Just like having a life sized Barbie.
By now all modesty had gone out the window. I was tucking her shirts in for her. She would be zipping something up at the same time I was wrapping a belt around her waist. There was no more changing in the bathroom. We were being efficient.
Before I knew it even K2 was playing along! Of course, K had been asking his opinion on every outfit we came up with, but now he was getting into his own closet. Which was great because that meant we could steal a couple of his shirts for her to play with. One bonus of a boyfriend is the extra clothes you get for free when you move in together.
K2 showed me a pair of boots he doesn't wear often to see what I thought. They are ass kicking boots! And then he was a ghost. Or a guy who disappeared into the bathroom to change his clothes.
K and I were playing a game she suggested. She took one item that she wanted to wear more and put it on the way she would on her own. Then I would change it to something different using the piece we were working with.
Suddenly K2 was back in a different pair of pants, his ass kicking boots and now was adding a striped sweater. We had talked (all 3 of us) about his own wardrobe rut and now here he was, playing dress up with the girls. Hope it wasn't supposed to be a secret...
She has so many great pieces in her closet, and she really had no idea what to do with them. By the time I left she had more than enough outfits to keep her busy for a while and she was really having fun with it.
"This is all stuff you already had." I reminded her when she thanked me at one point.
"I had an idea of what I liked. I just didn't know how to wear it" she told me. The good news is, the things she likes are things that all happen to work very well together. She made this very easy on me by having a closet full of totally awesome clothes. She does still need a few key basics and has a couple of wants, so we're going shopping on Saturday to try and fill those holes. K2 was worried about money we might spend and then I reminded him I basically own stock in Goodwill and he felt better.
I am so excited to go shopping, so excited about how this went, so excited to perfect my process and so so so SO excited to do this again.
Now...who's next?

Wanna see how it went with K? Check it out here.

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