Friday, January 7, 2011

Random things about this week

1. One morning this week, as I walked the short distance from my car to my office (I only have to walk a block and a half) I saw a homeless man peeing on the corner of the building across the street. As I laughed about that I almost stepped in a puddle of vomit. Ahhh, downtown is full of such interesting things!

2. I won a free bag from one of the blogs I read! I'm super excited to get it. Winning stuff is always fun.

3. My grampas dog is super old and grampy was talking about having him put to sleep. That made me super sad but then grampy changed his mind. More happiness!

4. One of my coworkers attacked me with a can of air at work today. Made my thigh cold for a bit.

5. Did I mention I'm going on a date tonight?

Have a good weekend everyone! 


  1. Downtown is definitely a scenario no matter what, huh! OoOoh have fun tonight :)

  2. HAHA aint that the truth! Thanks :)


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